Planning Team
- Sarah Blanco, Seattle Service Corps, Faith Formation, Diocese of Olympia
- Denise Brumbaugh, Youth Ministry Program Coordinator, Diocese of Olympia
- Canon Jennifer King Daugherty, Saint Mark’s Cathedral
- Josh deLacy, Communications Director & Website Developer, St. Luke’s, Renton
- Sue Dimmitt, Faith Formation Director, Holy Cross, Redmond
- Sarah Butler Ginolfi, Senior Associate Priest, St. Thomas, Medina
- Lisa Graumlich, Dean of the College of the Environment, University of Washington, member of Saint Mark’s
- Judy Mayotte, Climate Change Specialist, member of Epiphany, Seattle
- Will Montei, member of St. Luke’s, Renton
- Valerie Reinke, Canon for Faith Formation: 35 & Under, Diocese of Olympia
- Brian Sellers-Petersen, General Convention Task Force on Care of Creation and Environmental Racism member; Missioner for Agrarian Ministry, Diocese of Olympia
- Nicole Silvernale, Director of Youth Ministry, Saint Mark’s Cathedral
- Ann Strickland, Music & Liturgy specialist, member of Grace, Bainbridge
- Timi Vann, Western Regional Coordinator, NOAA, member of Saint Mark’s
Advisory Team
- Demi Allen, attorney, Elwha River restoration project volunteer
- Bill Harper, owner of PilgrimTrekking, founding rector, Grace, Bainbridge
- The Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, former Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church
- Dan & Lois Oberg, Saint Andrew’s House
- The Rev. Sarah Quinney, Pathways Pilgrimage Coordinator, the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California
- The Right Rev. Greg Rickel, Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia
- Very Rev. Steve Thomason, Dean, Saint Mark’s Cathedral
Gracious Hosts
- Saint Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle
- Very Rev. Steve Thomason, Dean
- Canon Jennifer King Daugherty
- Nicole Silvernale, Director of Youth Ministry
- Grace, Bainbridge Island
- The Rev. Wren Blessing
- Kim Cockroft, Director of Christian Education
- St. Paul’s, Port Townsend
- The Rev. Dianne Andrews
- Beth Cahape, Coordinator of Ministries with Children and Youth
- Peggy St. Clair, RN
- St. Luke’s, Sequim
- The Rev. ClayOla Gitaine
- St. Andrew’s, Port Angeles
- The Rev. Gail Wheatley
- Angela Reynolds, Youth Group Coordinator
- St. Swithin’s Mission, Forks & Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Forks
- Deborah Dillon, RN
- The Rev. Gail Wheatley, St. Swithin’s
- The Rev. Pam Hunter, Prince of Peace
- John Hunter, Forks High School Science Instructor