by Josh deLacy | I flew from Florida to Washington, hauled a backpack to Gothic Basin, and scrambled up Del Campo Peak.
Seventy Times Seven

by Josh deLacy | I flew from Florida to Washington, hauled a backpack to Gothic Basin, and scrambled up Del Campo Peak.
by Maria Gonzalez | I marveled at Creation before the pandemic began, I marveled at it throughout the shutdown, and I continue to marvel at it now.
by Bill Harper | To be a pilgrim, to set out on a pilgrim’s journey, is to seek change—change in ourselves. A pilgrimage isn’t just a long walk or a wandering road; it’s not about being a tourist seeking souvenirs in new places or the perfect Instagram moment.
by Timi Vann Last week I asked my 11-year-old twins what came to mind when they heard the word “pilgrimage.” Olivia said she thought of the rock band Journey. Sophia said she thought of a nun climbing a mountain.
by Dylan D’Haeze At the age of 13, I had a simple question. What happens when we throw plastic away? The more I learned, the more I realized how big the problem is—and the more it scared me. But
by Ann Strickland As we make our own way this summer, finding ways to prayerfully engage with and support our local environment, there are so many musical ways to enliven our experiences. First thing—unplug! Take those earbuds out and
by Dr. Judith Mayotte Greetings Pilgrims, Although we are not embarking on the August 2020 Pilgrimage we had planned, opportunity always knocks at our doors, and we are eager to offer you the opportunity to meander along the paths